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What is stream2watch ?
One of the oldest and best performing streaming site in the world. Stream2Watch has been around since 2009 when we only use to cover big football match. Since then we have improved not only accessibility to the site but added multiple links for each game which means users will never miss any live action of their favourite sport, team and athlete. Stream2Watch was free and will always be free. We dont ask you to pay or subscribe to anything. Just click the pop ads or install adblocker.
What makes Stream2Watch different then other streaming platforms ?
There are many streaming sites which came to the scene and went bust. Stream2Watch still standing strong even after all these years. From posting 1 stream per match to now posting 100s of links per match this website has come alongway and it favourite site of UK based viewers. Who not only watch 3pm saturday kickoffs on this site but also other sports which are either not available in the UK or very expensive.
How does Stream2Watch actually work ?
Unlike the previous setup back in 2009 where we use to host and stream events ourself we have moved passed that. We no longer host and stream any material at stream2Watch. Instead stream2watch work as links aggregotor where streams themselves stream matches on their own websites/apps but they can post their link on stream2watch. its user generated content but only verified streamers can post links which means you will only find 100% working links.